The Science Of Muscle Growth

Workshop Presented by Maik Wiedenbach

If you want to build muscle faster than you likely thought possible…

…WITHOUT wasting years on ineffective programs or thousands of dollars on ineffective supplements…

Then you can’t afford to miss this workshop!


The Glaring Truth No One Else Is Willing to Tell You About Gaining Muscle

Implementing a scientifically proven approach to muscle growth has helped Maik Wiedenbach Personal Training become recognized as the #1 Personal Training Facility in New York and now I will be sharing my scientifically proven approach to building muscle in this brand new Workshop.

When we meet prospective training clients, they are often sick of…

Doing workouts that don’t produce any meaningful gains,

❌ Being misled by the media or inexperienced professionals about what actually works when it comes to gaining muscle,

❌ Spending hundreds of dollars each month on supplements that don’t work,

❌ Training beliefs that have been passed off as truth for decades that don’t actually work,

❌ Paying for training or memberships that promise big results and don’t deliver.

What if instead, you knew the truth about…

🌟 What your exercise selection should actually look like if you want to gain muscle,

🌟 Why what you’ve heard about rep ranges for muscle growth is likely wrong,

🌟 The role range of motion plays in building muscle (hint: it’s not what you think),

🌟 What a bulking phase should actually look like,

🌟 How long it takes to add muscle,

🌟 Losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time…is it possible?

Which components of training programs matter most if you want to build muscle? 

Sets? Reps? Bodypart Splits? Time Under Tension? Rest & Recovery? 

…how much do they each matter? What’s the right ‘formula’?

The Science Of Muscle Growth is a brand new workshop that will help you do exactly that!

No fluff. No theory. Just action.

After this workshop you’ll…

✅ Know how to design a training program that effectively gives you the muscle growth you want.

✅ Understand what you can and can’t eat if you want to get lean. 

✅ Have a clear game-plan to get results in the gym, month after month.

✅ Know more about the actual science of muscle growth than 90% of the trainers in the city.

Simply, you’ll have EVERYTHING you need to gain muscle once and for all.

On top of that, I’ll also answer your questions and do some live coaching to give you direct feedback on your current approach to gaining .

About your Workshop Instructor:

Maik Wiedenbach, Voted New York City’s #1 Personal Trainer 3 Times.

Aka yours truly

So what is investment?

The price of this workshop is only $19.

Less than the investment for a single training session.

If you’re ready to start gaining muscle, this workshop is for you.

Looking forward to teaching you the Science Of Muscle Growth,


 Get the seminar here – $19

See you there!
