As some of my readers may know, Loki Schmidt passed away last Thursday night. For those that don’t know her, she was he wife of Helmut Schmidt, Chancellor of West Germany from 1974-1982. This made Loki the first lady, but let me tell you, she was always so much more.

She was what all first ladies should aspire to be: highly educated, well read and spoken, and opinionated but out of the spotlight (I really hope the Tea Party Momma Grizzlies are reading this. Loki did go to college, never defaulted on a loan, mastered grammar, and didn’t get involved in satanic rituals either). She was also an accomplished author in the fields of education and biology. Wherever she went, she was aware that she was Miss Deutschland as opposed to Miss Schmidt, and she carried herself very well, using her role as first lady to influence the implementation of ecological standards and educational reform.

As a bodybuilder, one can learn a lot from Loki. Wherever you go, people will know that you are a bodybuilder, your mass will give it away. So you must act as an ambassador of the sport at all times, inside and outside the gym. This places a certain responsibility on you.

Our sport has a bad enough reputation; the last thing we need is people like “the Situation” running around “representing” the community. So please, don’t go out acting like bigger muscles make you superior to everyone else. Carry yourself with dignity, help those that ask about training or diet, and be grateful that you can go to the gym and do what you love! Bottom line: Training is a privilege.

Until next time,
Maik Wiedenbach