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Forget New Year’s Resolutions! Try this instead!

  This was supposed to be a rant as to how stupid I think NY resolutions are and how they do more damage than good. But then my crew convinced me to be more value-added and come up with something that is actually helpful. So we sat down and discussed: what is the main pain […]

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The Butterfly Effect!

This being the end of the year it is time for an uplifting story, so here is my best attempt. Little did I know when leaving work on the 24th, that I was about to receive the most amazing Christmas present. Upon entering the subway station, a gentleman comes up to me, introducing himself as Sean, ” Maik, you […]

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A tale of two pandemics!

I just spent a week at home in Germany , seeing my brother , dad and friends for the first time in two and a half years. Happy to report that everyone is healthy and I will be an uncle!! What struck me most was how relatively normal life is in the old country. Yes, you need to wear […]

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The Most Important Skill I ever Learned!

  Very often in life, we do not appreciate the lessons as we learn but much later. This became evident to me as I was chatting with a client she asked what helped me most to navigate the chaos of the last two years Having a certain degree of stoicism It is a skill I partially acquired through life lessons […]

It is never just you!

It is never just one guy! When we see a successful business or athlete, we only take in the finished product such as several gold medals or a thriving enterprise. But underneath is the whole iceberg consisting of ( but not only)  1 Hard work.  No , there is no epiphany or breakthrough, there is just executing well for years […]

We Have a Bigger Gym!

Apologies for the radio silence but the last couple weeks have been rather eventful. Yes, we moved the gym! Even though the details of said move would make a great broadway show or at least two family guy episodes I will spare you Instead, I shall outline the reasons for the move as well as our vision for the […]

Your Metabolism did NOT Slow Down!

Your metabolism is just fine! We have all heard or said it: After 30 , your metabolism slows down, it is all downhill from there. This is either a convenient excuse or a sad reality, depending where you stand. Personally, I have always doubted whether this made any sense. Last time I checked the body does not possess a calendar according to which […]

We won some stuff!

There truly never is a dull moment in this city , for better or worse. Not only are we having our busiest August ever ( there go your summer vacation guys, sorry) but we also received some favorable press. One was the award for best personal training business in Manhattan which is a rather competitive […]

Why Reading This Book Will Get you in Great Shape!

During the last week I started rereading “Kitchen Confidential” by the late Anthony Bourdain. For those unfamiliar with this masterpiece , it is basically a chef’s odyssey through the NY restaurant world. Bankruptcies, successes, coke binges, burn outs, disasters, the mob, machine guns in the kitchen.. you name it , it’s there. Here is a guy who had the highest […]

Don’t be a douche!

Don’t be a douche I admit it, I was wrong. One of my predictions or hopes during the annus miserabilis that was 2020 was that people would be a bit nicer once things are looking up. This does not seem to be the case at all. Humans are just as selfish and entitled as ever. […]