

Everything was better in my day!

visit us! Everything was better 30 years ago…. I had that thought when I was training at a commercial gym and it was teenage hour. Lots of egos, horrible form, bad gym etiquette… you get the idea.In my mind, we were so much better in the 90s. In fact, everything was better and the world […]


18 Years Ago.. My life changed ( true story)

visit us! There are not many life changing moments and often the ones that are, you often recognize them much later. A mentor who stepped in, an exam that went better than expected , a person paying attention at the right time. Personally, in terms of my fitness journey I can remember a critical juncture […]


Yes, People Do Change!

visit us! When the gentleman with the funky hair walked into our gym to interview as a trainer in mid 2021, I did not have the highest hopes regarding his career with us. Struck me as a video playing kid without much direction. In fact he was on my mental chopping block. Well, I was […]

Maik Wiedenbach - Personal Trainer

Three years, two birthdays and one stupid idea!

visit us! 3 years, 2 birthdays and one stupid idea! As I am sitting in our beautifully equipped gym on this very hot July afternoon, I can’t help but think back to how things were three years ago. We were running a small business phone via training people in the park with exercise bands, the […]

How To Make REAL Progress in the GYM

How To Make REAL Progress in the GYM!

visit us! PSA – or how to progress in the gymThis isn’t a public service announcement, although it sort of is since I ll be helping many to achieve their physique goals. You know what really matters when training for a better body? Not sets, reps and weights- yes these metrics matter too but not […]

The FlyWheel Effect!

The FlyWheel Effect!

Compounding Efforts Do Work! Claim Your Free Workout! The flywheel effect is a concept in physics that refers to the tendency of a rotating object to maintain its momentum and continue rotating due to its inertia. In business and management, the flywheel effect is used as a metaphor to describe the momentum that is built […]


You are tired and it’s ok

You are tired and it’s ok When you talk to people from all corners of the earth you can not help but find a common theme: I am tired/exhausted/ run down. And I find that very understandable The last two, (going on three) years were not easy on anyone. In between covid, politics, Ukraine, Iran, […]

Maik Wiedenbach

Maik Wiedenbach Takes a Data-Driven Approach to Bodybuilding

Maik Wiedenbach Takes a Data-Driven Approach to Bodybuilding Data analytics is changing the face of sports as we know it, and Major League Baseball is one of the most visible examples. The Cubs’ 2016 World Cup win, the Astros’ 2017 World Series championship win, and the Red Sox’s 2004 World Series win were all achieved with contributions […]

getting Fat

HELP! The Holidays Are Here And I Am Getting Fat!

Claim Your Free Workout! The Holidays are upon us! Help I am getting fat If you live in the northern hemisphere, you will undoubtedly be confronted with darker days, colder temperatures and heavier foods. And every year, there seems to be a collective weight gain as in 8lbs per person. Full disclosure: I personally enjoy [...]
Brian Johnson

The Liver King or how to spot a charlatan!

I figured that might be as good a time as any to expose one of the biggest frauds in the fitness industry We shall talk about the liver king. Who is he? Brian Johnson, 44 from Texas. That is about all we know of him via his social media. He promotes what he calls an […]