Embrace the suck!

Embrace the suck!

Todays newsletter is about my t-shirt. Hold on there is a method to this nonsense.
Yesterday morning was simply from hell. You know when nothing works. On wakes up to several annoying emails, the kids are out of control and once you finally have them outside,  you need to shield from EMT and then CDC sanitizing a building in your street.
So I did a baby workout and changed shirts. For some bizarre reason I put on the one in the photo.
Apparently the phrase is borrowed from US Navy Seals, the idea being that when they enter their hardest weeks of training it is best to embrace the misery as opposed to complain about since your sergeant won’t care either way.
 Then I started thinking this is a spectacularly good idea! One of my downstairs neighbors is a single dad with an autistic boy, he also lost his job in Mid March. Yet, despite all this I do not see him running angry, protesting the unfairness of the world. He just deals with it.
What does this mean for me?
The virus is not going anywhere, there won’t be a vaccine for 12-18 months. So I better get used to the new reality.
1. Realistically I am not being allowed to work until June 1st. On the bright side this means I will have more time with the family than I will under normal circumstances ( poor them)
2. As for my training, my equipment is limited. As in very. But I have time so I can train every day.
3. I get good rest, so I can train the whole body.
4. I get good rest, so I can train with a higher volume
5. Bands have a limited resistance in the stretched phase.True, so we can train the contracted phase more aka train where it hurts.
6. As for the business we need to be ready for another shutdown so we need a bigger online presence.
On that note, our app is coming along nicely!
It will feature
1. At home workouts
2. Gym workouts, all with videos
3. My articles
4. Videos on training, diet and supplements
All this for one overpriced coffee! Expensive coffee vs Maik’s wisdom…you tell me!
Embrace the suck