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Massive Tension!
$27.00Add to cartThe purpose of this workout is to build the most amount of muscle we can in the time frame the workout is applied.
What makes it special?
The program is designed around developing tension at all angles and all parts of the strength curve.–
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Shoulder Workout
$27.00Add to cartHere is the good news: the shoulder can do 360, bad news the shoulder can do 360. This means it is prone to injury. In fact, the majority of all gym injuries are shoulder related. Therefore in order to build great shoulders you must first have healthy shoulders!
This is what this template sets out to do:
1. The PDF file will give you a scan to sure your shoulders are fully functional and you are not about to get injured.
2. Teach you how to connect with the different parts the shoulder, especaily the often forgotten medial and posterior delts.
3. Making sure your diet and supplementation are in check. -
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Training the entire strength curve workout
$27.00Add to cartOne of the most overlooked aspects when it comes to training is you can break down motion into three parts: stretch, mid range, and contraction.
My point is: if you were to train all three aspects during each workout, them gainz would be much quicker and greater.
Most trainees are covering the mid range portion quite well. It is the part where the muscle is the the strongest, so all your big exercises fall into that (pulls , presses, squats, and deads). Obviously, those movements should be the cornerstone of every training program. But they can be made more effective if you supplement with one exercise from the the stretch and respectively, contraction group.
Why bother doing that when the mid range covers the strongest part anyways?
Excellent question. Adding a stretch movement creates additional length in the muscle. In other words, if you have more real estate you can build bigger houses. The contraction exercise increases blood flow and cell volume to the max, which makes it a fantastic finisher movement.
This program is ideal for body recoup or fat loss.
You will get:
1. A PDF explaining the science of the workout, along with the diet, recovery etc.
2. A 4 week template with videos to all exercises. -
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Ultimate Fat Loss Solution Book
$14.99Add to cartMaik Wiedenbach was voted NYC’s best personal trainer, here to coach you online or in person. He makes people look and feel great based only on scientific principles instead of fad diets, harmful drugs or overpriced medication and unhealthy supplements. Maik is an NYU professor, Olympian, two-time World Cup and Olympic-level swimmer, and Musclemania champion […]