Author: madmin

Intermittent fasting – the surefire way to get lean?‏

Hi, The Fitness Industry, being no different than fashion, often swings from one extreme viewpoint to another. For years we have been told that you absolutely have to eat every 2-3 hours to stoke the furnace, to the point where people began eating every hour; whereas now, intermittent fasting is one of the hottest topics being […]


Hello,“Must do” exercises do not exist! ‏Let me elaborate on what I mean by that. Anyone who has ever set foot inside a gym will have heard the phrase, “to get huge, you gotta bench, bra,” (in a better gym, people would advise you to squat, but that is a different matter!). So which exercises are […]

Correlation and Causation are NOT the Same Thing!‏

Welcome back everyone,Today’s topic is one that should be obvious but is not. Our society, in a general attempt to get rid of science altogether, has replaced cause and effect with the listing of correlating facts to prove any theory.The fitness industry is especially guilty of such practice since it helps to sell stuff that […]

How Many Reps Should I Do?

Hello again,Rep ranges…this is an epic battle field in the fitness world. Here is the traditional thinking: 4-6 reps for strength, 8-12 for hypertrophy, 15 and over; fat loss (aka toning).This type of thinking creates the following picture on the gym floor: Big (aka fat) dudes moving a decent amount of weights for a few reps, […]

Eating the elephant…

Hello again, Arguably, elite athletes do something right since they perform at levels of which mere mortals can only dream of. Yes, great but what does that have to do with me in the here and now, Maik? Excellent question, glad you asked! I want to focus not so much on the outcome but on […]

Stopping the OCD madness…

Hello again, The fitness world is notoriously detail oriented and therefore caters to the OCD side of many athletes. Unfortunately, this prevents a great many people from achieving their goals as they simply get lost in the small stuff. This group of athletes tend to worry about the detail and ask questions such as: Do […]

Your parents lied to you – you are not different!‏

Hi everyone,“Oh, do I have your attention now?”, (Insert Alec Baldwin voice from Glengarry Glenross). Today’s newsletter will unsettle quite a few people and their beliefs, so sit down and grab some chamomile tea!All too often, my staff and I hear the phrase “This (diet/workout/) does not work for me because I am different (tall/short/male/female/a unicorn)”. I […]

But I Don’t Feel Like I’ve Worked Out‏

Hi Everyone, This is something I hear quite often from new clients (until crippling soreness sets in on day 2), but it got me thinking that I should clarify what constitutes an effective training session. 1. When a muscle burns: The burning sensation in the muscle during a tough workout it is not caused by […]

Garcinia Cambogia – The Holy Grail for Fat Loss or Another Diet Pill Fail?

Hi everyone, This particular supplement has been getting rave reviews from renown fitness experts such as Dr. Oz (inserting strong irony here), regarding its fat loss properties. What is it?  It is actually an old dog in new clothes. The older readers (such as me), might remember a supplement called Citri Max. The main ingredient is […]


Hi everyone,This week I’m going to talk about one of the ‘holy cows’ in the fitness/ personal training world, fasted cardio. For decades, thousands of athletes have dragged themselves to the gym at the crack of dawn without daring to eat or drink anything of any substance. They perform cardio on an empty stomach as they believe […]