
How To Handle Social Media Without Going Insane!

Hello again, Don’t take everything literally. In the world of Instagram and Facebook, it is very easy to develop body image issues or get caught up in negativity and being a personal trainer in NYC, I hear the following a lot! “Look at him! He transformed himself in three months!” “Look at her! What a […]


It is not uncommon for trainees to spend weeks or month pounding away in the gym, just to realize that they actually look exactly the same (or even worse) then they did before. Why does this happen, and how can you prevent it? First things first Assuming that your program is well designed (you are […]

7 Things to Look for in a Pre Workout Drink!

Hello again, Pre workouts – everyone loves them… right? Over the last few years, they took the bodybuilding world and NYC personal training scene by storm. They are supposed to give you a boost before the workout and provide energy throughout. Personally, I stopped taking them because most of them are garbage. The reason is… […]

We all sabotage ourselves!

Hello again,I had a weird encounter this past Sunday. As I was getting my post workout carbs at a frozen yogurt store (no judgment please), one of the workers strikes up a conversation. Background info: let’s just say he looks like someone who really likes frozen yogurt. “Hey, I want to get into bodybuilding, where […]

How many carbs do you need?

Great question, often posed to me by my NYC personal training clients  and the answer is: it depends. Carbs are a non essential nutrient, so you need zero grams, since the body can produce its own glycogen from fats. So, no carbs ever, case closed? Let’s take it from the top. Over the last 20 […]

When carbs strike back!

For a very long time, carbs have been demonized in the fitness world – they make you fat, cause insulin raises, cause bloating, hold water, etc. Want to know something? Carbs are freaking awesome! They can make you train longer, recover faster, and look better. Let’s build arguments against the main accusations: Carbs are a […]

Can You Build Muscle and Burn Fat at the Same Time?

Spoiler Alert: You Cannot. Not unless you are a rank beginner (less than six months training), are very overweight, or using a lot of illegal substances. This is consistent with the first law of thermodynamics, which states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only changed from one form to another. Simply stated, take […]

How to Get Rid of The Winter Fluff!

By show of hands: who has gained some weight over the last 2 months and would love to get rid of it? Thought so. Here is what happens in most cases: Person joins gym or goes back to gym, cuts calories by 50% or more, starts doing hours of cardio, and buys questionable fat burner. […]

How watching Netflix can get you in shape!

Recently, I started watching Sons of Anarchy (SOA). For those that have never heard of it, please come out from under your rock. Ok, here is the gist: the story evolves around a motorcycle gang in California, that mainly makes a living out of gun-running and other questionable activities. From gun-running, they “expand” into extortion, […]

5 Exercises that You Need to Stop Doing Now!

Hello again, I feel like I have not written a proper rant in a while, so it is time. Here are the top five exercises nobody should do again and why.   Front Raises I have said this before and I’ll say it again: the front deltoids are getting more than enough work since they […]