
We must always lift heavy to gain muscle -right?

Today’s newsletter is a collaboration between our  newest team member Kieran and myself.  As always, we are dealing with the question of gains.Everyone knows that heavy weights (think sets of less than 10 reps) are the best tool for gaining muscle mass. However, recent research has shown that this might be only part of the […]

Supersets aren’t super – here is why!

Anyone who has ever picked up a dumbbell is familiar with the concept of supersets, which is the pairing of two exercises. Arnold used them and so did many others. So, they work right? The answer to that is not as clearly cut as one thinks.   Let’s break down the two different kinds of supersets: […]

White rice vs brown rice-which one is better for you?

The above is a debate that is almost as heated as Hillary vs. Bernie, Trump vs. sane people. In the blue corner, you have white rice, void of its hull and all fibers; in the red corner it is brown rice, full of fiber and vitamins. At first glance, it seems like an unfair fight. […]


Welcome back and I am wishing you a huge 2016! It’s a fact: a truly impressive back is about as rare as a functioning senate or a three syllable word on an episode of the Kardashians. Why is that? For one reason, it seems Monday is worldwide chest and biceps day, in any gym on this planet. […]

Steady state vs high intensity cardio- which one rules supreme for fat loss?

Steady state vs High intensity interval ( HIIT) is another area of heated debate amongst fitness enthusiasts, so let’s look at the evidence. Basically, there are two schools of thought:  – the old school, with long duration, low intensity cardio sessions (45 to 60 minutes at a steady state) – the new school, recommending high […]

Training frequency- how often should you train each muscle?

This is the time of the year when everyone sends you Holiday greetings and messages on how to slow down, unplug, enjoy life, etc. Well, this newsletter is not one of those outlets! We care about one thing and one thing only: gains. Christmas or not, gains need to be made.  This brings me to […]

Clusters- Not Just For Breakfast!

Since this is the season to get huuuuge ( like our furry friend in the picture), one might as well try something new. We have all heard ad nauseaum that we need to lift heavy in order to grow. And that is, to an extent, true. The pump also plays a role in hypertrophy in […]

Why I train

Why I train In this day of social media pressure, Abercrombie and Fitch billboards and generally exaggerated expectations it can be stressful to find time to train and the motivation to stick with it . Every other day, there is another new hot guy/girl , a new program, supplement etc. It gets tiresome after a […]


Salt has gotten a really bad reputation.  It is blamed for high blood pressure and water retention and some recommend it should be avoided altogether.  Not to be left behind by the cool kids, our beloved Mayor just forced all chain restaurants to label foods with a high sodium content. So, does sodium kill? It does […]

How to manage the holidays dietwise!

How times have changed…. In the past, when I was asked how one should handle the typical Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner, my answer would have been: Try to eat healthy but enjoy yourself a little. As I get older and wiser, I realize that this was the dumbest idea I ever had.  You see, when […]