Category: Personal Training

Are gyms dead?

There is no doubt that the pandemic has and will change many areas of our lives. We will certainly not go back to the office of 2019 nor the movie theater, even education will change. Why? The old forms of doing things simply weren’t all that efficient . If people can be as productive from home, why […]

Behind the mask

Behind the mask … Today one of my pet peeves occurred: someone aka a prospect was late. As in very late..think 40 minutes. I thought to myself: ” How can you be so unreliable? This will never amount to anything.” As I started training him, I heard my mother in the back of my head, […]

Why Warren Buffet is a bodybuilder- sort of!

This newsletter was inspired by the manic trading action in GameStop , ticker GME. For those not living in the US, the short was heavily shorted, a bunch of small traders got together to drive the price from 13 $ to 430$. Rags to riches? Yes, a few people made a lot of money. But someone […]

Thriving, not surviving!

What Friederich der Grosse can teach us in 2021 As you may have figured out, German history is a subject that is dear to me. So I jump at every opportunity to bring it into the newsletter or any random conversation as well. Friedrich’s birthday this past Sunday is as good of an excuse as any. So […]

Overcoming adversity!

There is a lot of talk about overcoming adversity and being positive these days but I do not find it all that actionable. Therefore I decided to compress my 2020 experiences into this newsletter. Disaster struck twice, as I lost the business and got sick with covid within 48h. Additionally, living in NY was ( for […]

In order to save the city, we had to destroy it!

In order to save the city, we had to destroy it” said a US Army Lieutenant after the battle of Hue during the Set offensive 1968. Without getting a morality debate about weighting US imperialism vs irregular VC warfare, we shall simply look at the statement as such. Destroy the city to save it. Save […]

New Toys are here!

Yes, We live in very dark and unpredictable times. But today I want to talk about things that really matter: the biceps bench as seen in the picture du jour. Because…biceps make everything better and the idea of building a massive steel structure just to train a vanity muscle is simply genius. No, this isn’t about 20 inch […]

One tried

50 years ago Willy Brandt did something remarkable. Obviously I am talking about him breaking protocol and kneeling at the memorial of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising 1944. The Warsaw ghetto uprising so some of the worst war crimes which was brutally put down by the SS Sturmbrigade Dirlewanger ( consisting of criminals , similar to the Proud Boys of […]

Should you have a Christmas tree this year?

I had one of these masked elevator exchanges in my building, where my counterpart said ” We are not having a Christmas tree this year, not feeling festive” Being german my first reaction was : Tannenbaum muss. Immer. Then I thought about it and I could somewhat understand him. My mother passed around Christmas, so […]

The Death Star has Exploded!

It took only four month, several blood and saliva samples as well as my written ancestry dating back to 1750, but finally Apple has approved our app. To be downloaded here In order to adapt for the times we live, we made the in home or lockdown workouts free of charge. If you could […]