
Who won the battle of Waterloo?

Wellington? Not at all. The British only held out long enough for proper military to arrive. The gentleman in the picture, Neidhardt von Gneisenau, the brilliant chief of staff of the Prussian Army under Bluecher was the difference maker. ( if you want your kid to be made fun of in kindergarten, call him Neidhard) After the defeat […]

How to be a fitness model!

I wrote this one after seeing this post: Very often fitness enthusiasts approach me with the idea of becoming a fitness model. In theory, that sounds great: just get paid to show off your body , endorsing supplements and making fitness videos by the beach, surrounded by other gorgeous people. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but […]

The good news is- you are fired!

I trust you have seen the iconic scene by Alec Baldwin in GlenGarry GlenRoss where he gives a speech to a bunch of underperforming real estate brokers. If you haven’t, I really question the way you spend your free time. In any case, the monologue starts with “Good news, you are fired. Bad news, you have one […]

Can you build muscle with smaller weights?

    Big debate – Can you build muscle with lighter weights? In the blue corner we have the hardcore “gotta lift heavy” crew who has tons of injuries to show for, in the red corner it is the ” gotta chase the pump, dude” gang Who is right? Lets us go to the videotape.  […]

The 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make in the Gym

I was contacted by who asked me to answer their question about “Worst mistakes people make in gym after they stop practicing social distance” And today I’m sharing my answers with my audience There is no denying it: most gym goers are quite motivated but they never get to where they want to be. […]

The times are A Changing …

First off, allow us to brag a little as we won another award for best Personal Trainer Manhattan ! On to what is happening Bob Dylan’s right: The times are A-changing and you will like it. The gym from February 2020 is dead and will not come back soon. The reason for that are manifold. […]

Fitness during and post Covid19

I was talking to my daughter since she was questioning my abilities as a 3rd grade teacher ( so am I btw) and I told her: ” Look you have been cast into a very uncertain scenario, it is not cool but we have to deal with it.” There is no denying it ( albeit […]

How to train post Covid19!

Now with some states reopening ( insanity) and people recovering, I am often asked what one should do in terms of training. The usual reaction is: GYM IS OPEN….BEAST MODE. Stop. This will not work! Why? Because we have been on break for too long. Here is my advice : Unless you have been as diligent […]

Embrace the suck!

Embrace the suck! Todays newsletter is about my t-shirt. Hold on there is a method to this nonsense. Yesterday morning was simply from hell. You know when nothing works. On wakes up to several annoying emails, the kids are out of control and once you finally have them outside,  you need to shield from EMT […]

Mindfulness and muscles!

  At some point in our lives we all will likely struggle with feelings of helplessness, the sense that we are not as in control of events in our lives as we would wish to be. If this is something you have never experienced before the current global crisis that is the COVID-19 pandemic then […]