Author: madmin

Mirror , mirror on the wall…

A catastrophe like the COVID19 is essential a very unforgiving gym bathroom mirror for everyone and every entity . Every country is being measured in terms of how well it did protect its citizens, Every leader is coming under scrutiny , some pass the test , others… oh well. The same goes for any business, […]

Humans are awesome!

There is no denying it, we are living in a challenging time and things do appear dark. From the view point  of this great city of ours, you are witnessing a complete failure of federal leadership, gross incompetence on many levels, excessive greed by banks and large cooperations sucking up small business loans ( the irony!) , failure […]

The long road back!

The long road back Since this question came up: how ones one feel post coronavirus ? The short answer is: I do not know. On the physical side, it seems that the recovery from the virus is not linear, to put it mildly. If you are to bounce back from a garden-variety illness, you notice improvement […]

Why we keep fighting!

Someone asked me the other day: Why not close the shop and go work at bigger gym when things reopen? Sure, that would be the easier path but there are a few reasons why we do not consider doing anything the like. 1. This is our home too. We built it, we bought the equipment, built up […]

Maik vs Covid 19

  I wanted to write this newsletter for a while, alas whenever I felt heroic enough to sit I came quickly to the conclusion that I was in fact very weak. As I am wrapping up a two week quarantine, let me tell you this: this thing is no laughing matter. Even though I consider […]

Now what?

Unless you are completely oblivious too..well everything you must by now understand that we are facing a tectonic shift of the likes that we have not seen since WW 2. When this is over, hardly anything will be same be it in terms of the economy, society, politics, international relations name it. And yes, these are […]

Staying sane in times of the corona virus!

\ Hello everyone Things are pretty bleak right now, correct? In fact , they are so bad that New Yorkers are actually friendly to each other. Scary. But, in every crisis there is opportunity. In fact, any crisis is the ultimate test for anyone. Do you roll over/hide under a rock/run to mama or face […]

Why your Muscles are not Growing!

What is really holding us back from gaining muscle? A few things in my opinion: We are not spending  enough time where we are weak which is usually the contracted phase of an exercise. Examples. 1. When doing a lat pull down, the motion often ends before the upper arms connect with the body. 2. Biceps curls do […]

It creeps up on you!

As I was returning from a great family vacation in the Caribbean to cold and rainy NYC (why do I live here again??), I kept thinking about a strange phenomenon I encountered while there. During the first 48 hours on the ground there, I was constantly hungry, and I mean ravenous to the point of going hypo. Interestingly enough, […]

Stop Worshipping the Big 3!

True. If you are a powerlifter. #Powerlifting is a clearly defined sport where the total of these reps will determine your placing. If you use them for a better physique, you have picked poor tools. The bench and deadlift have most likely hurt more Americans than cigarettes , on top of all they are poor […]